There are many benefits from a regular yoga practice:
- Improves balance, posture, stamina, strength and flexibility
- Releases tension and energy blockages to promote a free flow of energy
- Relieves back pain- Research studies in the U.S. (Kimberly Williams et al 2003, 2005, 2009) have found yoga classes to be effective. The 2009 trial followed 90 people over 48 weeks. The conclusion was that “Yoga improves functional disability, pain intensity and depression in adults with chronic low back pain. There was also a clinically important trend for the yoga group to reduce their use of pain relief medication compared to the control group” (the control group= the non-yoga participants who received standard medical care). This trail found positive effects after 12 weeks for yoga classes: a further increase in beneficial effects after a further 12 weeks of yoga and a maintenance of these effects at 48 weeks.
- Encourages blood flow to the internal organs encouraging the elimination of toxins and detoxifying your body
- Balances your hormones
- Re-aligns and improves mobility of your spine
- Strengthens and improves your respiratory system
- Releases endorphins and lowers the levels of adrenaline produced in your body providing a natural pain relief
- Calms an over active anxious mind
- Encourages concentration and meditation
- Blood cells are replenished with oxygen, nourishing and restoring your whole body
- Improves bone density
- Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Strengthens core stability
- Improves mobility of injured joints
- Promotes a healthy sleep pattern
- Boosts the immune system
- Improves confidence and self-esteem
Conditions which can benefit from Hatha yoga practice
Arthritis, scoliosis, injuries, back pain, asthma, anxiety, depression, postural problems, lordosis, kyphosis, osteo-arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, spondylosis, negativity, raynard’s disease, M.E., fatigue, P.T.S.D., digestive problems, sciatica, muscular imbalances, tension, stress, headaches, menopausal symptoms, infertility, and P.M.T.